DELLTA Resources & Toolkits

DELLTA tools were designed and piloted by artists and teachers in NYC classrooms & revised in response to student feedback.
Two students dancing holding each others' hands to form a point above their heads. Two other students make low poses on the ground.

Artmaking Toolkit

This toolkit showcases activities, graphic organizers and printable supports for making original dance, theater and visual art with MLs.
Artmaking Toolkit
Chart titled

Language Supports Tooolkit

Strategies and tools to help support MLs in collaborative artmaking activities, as well as tools to help teachers and teaching artists to better understand language acquisition.
Language Supports Toolkit
Three students are seated at a table. One speaks while another films him with an iPad. A teacher and another student stand and watch.

Portfolio Toolkit

A toolkit of templates for creating arts-based portfolios with students. Includes tips and preparation materials for students doing oral presentations of their portfolios.
Portfolio Toolkit
A teaching artist stands in front of a class of students seated on an auditorium stage. The artist shows two thumbs up to the class.

Formative Assessment Toolkit

Tools included here support the process of creation, feedback and revision which is intrinsic to the artistic process. Prompts for feedback and structures for conversation help MLs to enga
Formative Assessment Toolkit

Inquiry Toolkit

These tools help teachers and teaching artists in Professional Learning Communities by guiding them through the Inquiry Process.
Inquiry Toolkit

Strategies for MLs in the Arts

See what strategies to support MLs look like it the arts.
Strategies for MLs