
Based on data from over a decade of implementation we have found that DELLTA has far-reaching impact on students.

Academic Research
Connections: Developing English Language Literacy through the Arts
Students who participate in DELLTA show achievement in: Motivation, Perseverance/Task Persistence, Ability to Focus, Ownership of Learning, Spatial Awareness, Self-Confidence and Cooperative Learning Skills/Collaboration. Dr. Rob Horowitz & Elizabeth Beauburn, “Connections: Developing English Language Literacy Through the Arts — Research & Evaluation of
Connections: DELLTA
Six students in a school library acting out a scene. Two students on the left are shaking hands. Three students on the right are standing and watching the handshake. On student on the right is kneeling on the floor.

AERA 2018: Language Acquisition through Dance & Thea

Dr. Rob Horowitz, “English Language Acquisition through Dance and Theater: Impact and Pathways” presented at the AERA National Conference ©2018
AERA 2018
Dr. Rob Horowitz “PD-DELLTA NYSESLAT Analysis: Does PD-DELLTA Support English Language Acquisition?” (November 2014)

Practitioner Research

A teacher and a teaching artist look together at an iPad with pens and paper in front of them on the desk.

Arts Education Partnership Success Story: 2017

Key elements of the program’s success include a sustainable program built on a shared knowledge base and partnership between school-based educators and artist/educators.
Success Stories: Digital DELLTA
Arts Connection logo is at the top. Text reads: Arts Education and Bilingual Students: Carol Morgan, ArtsConnection; Jennnifer Stengel-Mohr, Queens College

NEA Arts & Human Development Task Force Webinar

The topic of this 2014 webinar is Arts Education and Bilingual Students. It includes Carol Morgan from ArtsConnection and Jennifer Stengel-Mohr from Queens College.
Arts Education & Bilingual Students
Students are seated on the floor in a classroom while a teaching artist kneels and extends her arms up to a V shape.

New York State TESOL Journal

Carol Morgan & Jennifer Stengel-Mohr, “Language at the Core: Developing Meaningful Connections between the Arts and Classroom Instruction” NYS 99 TESOL Journal Vol. 1, No. 1, ©Jan

Foundational Research

Chart showing student indicators for Theater

Development of an Observational Strategy

Rob Horowitz, “What You See is What You Get: The Development of an Observational Strategy.” The Contours of Inclusion: Frameworks and Tools for Evaluating Arts in Education. ©2008
Observational Streategy
Group of students on an auditorium stage all standing on one leg and extending one arm.

The Dana Foundation Publication

Barbara Rich Ed.D., “Partnering Arts Education: A Working Model from ArtsConnection”. New York: The Dana Foundation ©2005.
Partnering Arts Education
Two middle school students at sitting at a cafeteria table and laughing.

Arts Learning & Academic & Social Development

Critical Links-Learning in the Arts and Student Academic and Social Development
Essay by Rob Horowitz and Jaci Webb-Dempsey, “Promising Signs of Positive Effects: Lessons from the
Arts Learning: Academic & Social Development
Six students in a school hallway with a colorful mural behind them. They are creating a group pose. All have their arms extended. Two are kneeling. Two are lunging. Two are standing up straight.

The Impact of the Arts on Learning

Champions of Change–The Impact of the Arts on Learning. Essay by Judith Burton, Rob Horowitz and Hal Abeles, “Learning In and Through the Arts: Curriculum Implications. ©1999
Champions of Change

Formative Assessment in the Arts


National Association for Music Education

Christopher Valle, Heidi Andrade, Joanna Hefferen, “Applications of Peer Assessment and Self-Assessment in Music,” National Association of Music Education ©2016
Application of Peer Assessment
Seven middle school students on an auditorium stage are all leaning toward the camera. Two are lunging. Two are crouching. One is kneeling.

Drama Research

Fei Chen, Heidi Andrade, Joanna Hefferen, Maria Palma, “Formative Assessment in Theatre Education,” Drama Research ©2015
Drama Research
Papers on a table. One shows a face created through a collage of shapes with the words 'shape,' 'texture' and 'contrast' on it. Under that, but sticking out is a peer feedback form. To the right is a collage of a face that is partially completed.

National Art Education Association

Heidi Andrade, Joanna Hefferen, and Maria Palma, “Formative Assessment in the Visual Arts,” used with permission of the National Art Education Association ©2014
Formative Assessment in Visual Arts