
Collaborative Arts Portfolios engage students in collaboratively constructing the story of their learning in the arts.

Why do Collaborative Portfolios?

Collaborative Arts Portfolios help make learning in the arts visible and offer a formative assessment model to help students describe and assess their work. Ultimately, the process empowers students to have ownership of their learning.
Portfolio Presentation in Dance
“The portfolio presentations were where I saw their confidence and how proud they were of themselves and of each other” - teacher Sharifa Cadogan. Through the collaborative process, middle school ML students build language and social emotional skills, culminating in a presentation of their Collaborative Arts Portfolios in dance and theater.
In a school cafeteria, three students are seated and looking at an iPad with pictures and text on it. One student is moving photos on the iPad with her finger.
Learn, Create, Reflect and Present
The Collaborative Arts Portfolio is a formative assessment process that actively engages ML/ELL students in decision making, generating criteria, giving and receiving feedback, revising, reflecting on and presenting their artwork. Learn more about our Collaborative Arts Portfolio process and how language learning is layered into the process.
Collaborative Arts Portfolio Process: Step-by-Step

Reflect: Preparing the Portfolio

Students analyze the documentation compiled in their dance portfolios and select the most significant footage to highlight their work and share their learning with classmates.

Present: Portfolio Presentation

Students present their learning to their classmates through multimedia presentations. Presentations are aligned with ELA Speaking and Listening standards.

Visual Arts Portfolios

Through the Collaborative Arts Portfolios students can see their growth and learning. It’s visible and evident where they started in their projects and where they ended up.
A Formative Assessment Process in Visual Arts
After co-generating criteria from the Elements of Art, students documented their self-portraits in Collaborative Portfolios. Working in pairs, they followed a protocol and used language supports to give each other feedback. MLs used tracing paper and sketching to make their suggestions visible. Finally, they applied the feedback in revisions.