DELLTA Collaborative Arts Portfolio Process


Learn – Create – Reflect – Present

The Collaborative Arts Portfolio engages students in collaboratively constructing the story of their learning during an ArtsConnection DELLTA residency, documents their creative process, captures authentic voice and promotes ownership of learning.  Layering language supports that meet the language demands required by these tasks into the process help ML/ELL students describe and assess their work in the arts.

For MLs, the Collaborative Arts Portfolio Process:

  • Motivates discussion – in planning, feedback, revision and reflection
  • Increases understanding of what, why and how they learn
  • Provides a vehicle for reflection and metacognition
  • Develops social emotional skills through a collaborative process
  • Involves analysis, synthesis and organization in the presentation of work
  • Step 1: Learn the Essentials of the Artform

    • Learn a basic physical and verbal vocabulary of the art form
    • Capture photos and videos on iPads to introduce the Collaborative Arts Portfolio as a digital reference tool for documentation and assessment

    Layering Language

    • Language Demands: Arts-specific vocabulary, sequence words
    • Language Supports: Visuals, templates, graphic organizers, checklists

    Step 2: Create Original Work: Applying the Essentials

    • Small groups brainstorm, explore, plan and rehearse work
    • Portfolio tasks capture small groups’ collaborative conversations and evolving work-in-progress in the arts
    • Peer feedback and self-assessment develop and revise the work

    Layering Language

    • Language Demands: Arts-specific vocabulary, sequence words, modals for feedback, formulating questions
    • Language Supports: Prompts, graphic organizers, checklists, prompts, use of home language and language buddies

    Step 3: Reflect: Compile & Prepare Collaborative Portfolios

    • Working in small groups, students analyze, synthesize and organize their digital portfolios, select evidence of learning from photos, videos and/or writing
    • Small groups reflect on process and performance experiences in discussion, writing and/or recorded interviews

    Layering Language:

    • Language Demands: Arts-specific vocabulary, sequence words, past tense verbs, opinion words, pronouns, voice projection
    • Language Supports: Portfolio Template, Portfolio Presentation Planners, prompts, assign roles

    Step 4: Present: Portfolio Presentation

    • Small groups rehearse for presentations and receive criteria based  peer feedback
    • Presentations support English Language Arts Speaking and Listening standards.
    • Small groups collaboratively give a multimedia presentation that integrates digital evidence of their learning

    Layering Language:

    • Language Demands: Arts-specific vocabulary, sequence words, past tense verbs, opinion words, pronouns, voice projection
    • Language Supports: Portfolio Template, Portfolio Presentation Planners, prompts, assign roles