Step 1: Learn the Essentials of the Artform
- Learn a basic physical and verbal vocabulary of the art form
- Capture photos and videos on iPads to introduce the Collaborative Arts Portfolio as a digital reference tool for documentation and assessment
Layering Language
- Language Demands: Arts-specific vocabulary, sequence words
- Language Supports: Visuals, templates, graphic organizers, checklists
Step 2: Create Original Work: Applying the Essentials
- Small groups brainstorm, explore, plan and rehearse work
- Portfolio tasks capture small groups’ collaborative conversations and evolving work-in-progress in the arts
- Peer feedback and self-assessment develop and revise the work
Layering Language
- Language Demands: Arts-specific vocabulary, sequence words, modals for feedback, formulating questions
- Language Supports: Prompts, graphic organizers, checklists, prompts, use of home language and language buddies
Step 3: Reflect: Compile & Prepare Collaborative Portfolios
- Working in small groups, students analyze, synthesize and organize their digital portfolios, select evidence of learning from photos, videos and/or writing
- Small groups reflect on process and performance experiences in discussion, writing and/or recorded interviews
Layering Language:
- Language Demands: Arts-specific vocabulary, sequence words, past tense verbs, opinion words, pronouns, voice projection
- Language Supports: Portfolio Template, Portfolio Presentation Planners, prompts, assign roles
Step 4: Present: Portfolio Presentation
- Small groups rehearse for presentations and receive criteria based peer feedback
- Presentations support English Language Arts Speaking and Listening standards.
- Small groups collaboratively give a multimedia presentation that integrates digital evidence of their learning
Layering Language:
- Language Demands: Arts-specific vocabulary, sequence words, past tense verbs, opinion words, pronouns, voice projection
- Language Supports: Portfolio Template, Portfolio Presentation Planners, prompts, assign roles