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Activity and Tools Results

A composite image: 1) The describing tool for 5 Shapes Collage 2) contrasting expressive puppet face made with 5 shapes. One winking with a crooked smile and one with large round eyes and a downturned mouth. 3)contrasting expressive puppet face made using mostly the crescent shape turned in different directions to create furious expression on one face and icon
Describing Tool: 5 Shapes Many Emotions
Give yourself support to notice & describe the composition choices that students make using just 5 shapes.
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Use this tool to…
…notice and describe the impact of small compositional choices.
...encourage inventive use of spacing, direction and pattern.
…build confidence, language and revision skills.
A photo of three students show the feeling scared, but with varied arm gestures while playing the Emotion Statue game. Next to that an image of the describing tool for physical expression.
Describing Tool: Face & Body
Give yourself support to notice & describe physical & facial expression with specificity.
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Use this tool to...
...notice the choices kids make with their entire body and all of their facial features.
...describe the variety of choices that you see with specificity and without judgment.
Composite of the desribing tool for music and a violin students sitting in a circle watching the teaching artist demonstrate.
Describing Tool: Music
Give yourself support to notice & describe the variety of musical choices your students’ are making.
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Use this tool to…
...notice the variety of musical choices kids make.
...call attention to the expressive possibilities by describing the variety of choices that you hear with specificity.
…inspire a describing tool for your musical instrument.
Describing Tool: Paper Sculptures
Give yourself support to notice & describe the variety of choices students are making while building paper sculptures.
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Use this tool to...
...notice and describe the variety of choices kids are making with specificity & enthusiasm.
...encourage innovation and problem solving.
...create a language rich art making environment.
The describign tool for body percussion next to to a photo of a teaching artist clapping a rythm, facing engaged students. Some students are serious and focused on the teaching artist, some are smiling and using their hands and legs to clap and stomp the rythm.
Describing Tool: Body Percussion
Give yourself support to notice & describe the percussive choices children are making.
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Use this tool to…
...notice the variety of percussive choices kids make.
...call attention to the expressive possibilities of percussion by describing the variety of choices that you hear with specificity.
…inspire a describing tool for other percussive instruments.
The describing tool for the play how you feel warm up next to a photo of a student bowing a violin to express how they feel. The word 'Notice
Describing Tool: “Play How You Feel” Warmup
Give yourself support to notice & describe the musical choices that kids make to express how they feel. This example was created for violin.
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Use this tool to…
...notice the musical choices kids make to express how they feel.
...call attention to the expressive possibilities of the violin by describing the variety of choices that you hear with specificity.
…inspire a describing tool for your musical instrument.
Kids pretending to be bored zombies, stiff arms stretch in front of them, heads dripping in differnet directions, mouth open, eyes closed. Write up of the steps to play the Emotion Character Grab Bag game
Support Packet Emotion Character Grab Bag
Physically explore how characters express emotion. Prepare to create stories through art, writing or puppetry. Download steps, standards and QR code for example video.
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Planning Details
10 minutes
Room to move & pose
A bag of Emotion words & a bag of characters
Suggested booklist for Social Emotional Learning
Check out books to explore social emotional learning recommended and reviewed by Bridges teaching artists and classroom teachers.
See the list!
Connect these books to Bridges Activities!
The Emotion Statue Game
Emotion Mapping
5-Shapes Many Emotions
A photo of Four kindergartners pointing to and moving their eyebrows during the facial feature warmup next to an image of the steps to play the Facial Feature Warm Up.
Support Packet Facial Feature Warm Up
Do the Facial Feature Warm Up to prepare kids to express emotions or create expressive puppet faces. Download the steps and suggested prompts with QR code for example video.
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Plannng Details
4 minutes
in a circle
A photo of student playign the Expressive dialogue game, leaning forward and opening their mouths to project loudly next to the steps to play the expressive dialogue game.
Support Packet- Expressive Dialogue Game
Download the planning & preparation guide, steps and tips for the Expressive Dialogue Game.
Download the PDF
Planning Details
5-10 minutes
Two groups facing each other